Richard Wong Chin Kim
Richard Wong Chin Kim, Mountain Man
Born in 1955, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
• Chairman of Malaysian Modern & Contemporary Art Academy (MCAA)
• President of Contemporary Malaysian Watercolorists Association (CMWA).
• President of Malaysia Division of Asia Watercolour Painting Alliance (AWPA).
• President of Malaysia Division of World Calligraphy & Painting Association
• Committee Member & Judge of Japan Modern Fine Arts Association.
• Member of International Association of Art (IAA AIAP UNESCO, PARIS)
Richard Wong was born in 1955, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He was educated at the Kuala Lumpur College of Art (1975-1978) and furthered his studies at the International Cite des Arts (ICDA) in Paris (2000-2001). He is serving as the Chairman of Malaysian Modern & Contemporary Art Academy (MCAA), the President of Contemporary Malaysian Watercolorists Association (CMWA), the President of Malaysia Division of Asia Watercolour Painting Alliance (AWPA),-the Advisor of Korea International Art Exchange Association (KIAEA), the Committee Member of Japan Modern Fine Arts Association (JMFAA), the Member of International Association of Art (IAA AIAP UNESCO, PARIS)
Recently, he was the Winner of 2017 Highest Honour ‘Foreign Minister’s Award of the 36th NICHIGENTEN Art Exhibition, Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts, Japan. In addition, he received numerous honour awards from Malaysia, Japan and China. Countless solo and group exhibitions were successfully organised mainly in Malaysia and many others countries including Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Australia, Thailand and Canada。
黄振景1955年出生于吉隆坡马来西亚。他毕业于马来西亚吉隆坡美术学院西洋画科系,之后在巴黎国际艺术城工作室进修油画并潜心钻研法国现代艺术。现为专业画家。黄振景现任马来西亚中央当代艺术研究院主席、马来西亚现代水彩画家协会会長、亚细亚水彩画联盟马来西亚委员会会长 , 世界书画家协会马来西亚分会会长、日本现代美术协会理事及评议员 , 世界水彩画联盟协会及法国国际艺术家协会会员 ( IAA AIAP UNESCO,PARIS ) 。
许多年来主办个人展及积極参加联展无数次于马来西亚,新加坡,泰国,中国,日本,韩国,澳大利亚,和加拿大等。其抽象油画自成一格,尤为收藏家喜爱。许多马来西亚和海外的公众和机构也收藏了他的作品。自1974年以來获奨无数,去年更荣获日本2017年期第36届国际 ‘日现展’ 的最高荣誉 ‘外务大臣赏’。