Shirley Chu Siow Eng
Shirley Chu Siow Eng 朱绍瑛
Born 1951. Malaysian
Asia renowned artist Shirley Chu was born in Hokkien province, China. At age 5, she migrated to Malaysia with her parents. A brilliantly talented artist since young, Shirley devoted most of her adult life to the whirlwind world of fashion and was the Principal of Italy Fashion Design Institute over 27 years.
Shirley returned to her first love – fine art – under the tutelage of several local prominent art masters before advancing her studies in Chinese Painting Division (Master Degree) at China Academy of Art, Hang Zhou in China from 1998 till 2003.
She is the National President of Malaysian Artists Society (PPM) and Malaysian Female Artists Society (PPWM) and the Executive Director of Attic Art Gallery Division, C.B. Commercial Enterprise (M) Sdn Bhd. She is currently conducting Chinese Painting Classes at her Attic Art Gallery and also at University of Malaysia.
She was the only Malaysian representative invited by China Academy of Art to participate in four distinguished art exhibitions held in Pu-Dong, China in 2001, Shanghai Art Museum, China in 2002, Si-chuan, China in 2002, Fukui Art Museum Japan in 2004 and National Museum, Korea for the past 21 years consecutively since 1996. Shirley has contributed to the local art industry and had published seven books on Chinese Paintings in between Year 1996 –2017.
She is the organizing chair person for the 1st Christian Artists Painting Exhibition for the International Christian Business Men’s Committee (CBMC) for the Asia Convention held at JW Marriot Hotel in 2008. Besides she is also a very active social worker who contributes lot of efforts to many charitable organizations. She was awarded PINGAT JASA KEBAKTIAN (P.J.K.) by His Majesty Sultan of Selangor in 2011.
知名画家朱绍瑛出生於中国福建莆田黄石县, 五岁随父母南迁马来西亚雪州定居。自幼醉心艺术, 早年负笈英、美、日、法、港、泰、研读时装设计裁缝, 并自创立艺佳丽时装设计学院达27年。 期间利用工余时间写字绘画才是她的最爱。她热心参与社会福利、学校慈善、并担任艺术团体重要职位。于2011年获得雪州苏丹沙拉夫丁殿下册封热诚贡献奖章(PJK)。
1998-2003年负笈中国美术学院-学士/硕士预科水墨山水专业。于2005年 荣获“亚细亚美术大赏2005年度金奖”,由韩国文化艺术研究会及亚细亚亲善协会颁发。2014年其作品入选国家画廊主办的“2014年马来西亚公开展”。作品历年受邀国内外赛事, 数次入选 / 拍卖 / 收藏。 她多次主办个展及参加联展并出版七本个人画册专辑。近10年重点在推广文化艺术和担任水墨画班指导老师。